I’m a little disappointed in Lego. Going into San Diego Comic Con I was really excited with the idea of seeing all these new toys and exclusives but when it came to Lego they came up a little short for me.

I remember at SDCC 2018 one of the big attractions Lego had going for them was that they were selling theid new Voltron set ahead of the official release date, but at SDCC 2019 they weren’t doing that. I’m not sure of the official release dates of most of the stuff they had but I do know that pretty much everything they were selling at SDCC was already officially available.

Also, Lego didn’t have that many life-sized Lego statues out this year. I’m not sure why. Maybe they didn’t have the room for them. Or maybe they just didn’t have the time or budget to put them together.

Looking back at what Lego brought with them I realize now that the reason I was disappointed with them is because I’m an adult and I’m looking back at them with adult eyes. Like I said earlier, I went in hoping to see convention exclusives and future releases and if I was a kid I would be impressed seeing them, but if I was a kid I would forget about them pretty fast because the majority of Lego’s booth was dedicated to play areas and experiences for the kids.

I really wish I figured out earlier on that Lego was going after the kids more than they were the adults. It would have inspired me to get some pictures of children playing which would have given this post a more human or real life feel which is something I’ve been trying to emphasize more in my photos. Honestly, after looking back at my photos I was a bit unsure of spinning this off into a stand-alone post. In the end I thought it would be best to have a dedicated post since I felt it would help with the SEO and also because it would shave a few images off of my posts that look at San Diego Comic Con as a whole.

Sorry for such a short post but I feel this post was more a practice in capitalizing on SEO than it was on content generation but enjoy these pictures from Lego’s 2019 San Diego Comic Con booth.

Since Batman’s 80th anniversary was such a big thing at conventions this year Lego got on the bandwagon with this life-sized Batman statue and comicbook cover background.

Lego Iron Man. Marvel being so hot this year with Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: Far From Home I’m guessing they chose doing a Lego Iron Man to promote the sets from the Marvel Superhero line.

Likewise with this red Lego Stormtrooper. With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Lego would be trying to push their Star Wars-themed sets.

I remember a few years ago I saw a behind the scenes video on Facebook on how Lego builds these life-sized statues. I wasn’t surprised when they revealed that they’re not solid Legos, that instead they’re Legos built around a metal skeleton. I was surprised however when I learned how heavy they are. In the video they focused on A Flash statue build they were doing and they said that when finished they expected to weigh like 800 pounds.

The Batcave Clayface Invasion set. If you’re around my age and you watched cartoons like any normal kid then I think it would be pretty obvious that Lego based their Clayface on the Clayface from the ’90s Batman: Animated Series.

Ninjago Land Bounty. I know this set is meant for kids to play with but I wish Lego tried to figure out how to put more details on this thing because it just looks so bland.

The Paranormal Intercept Bus 3000. Another kids’ set that I wish they added more detail to.

Jurassic Park: T-Rex Rampage. The T-Rex is a bit cartoonish-looking for my tastes. If Lego did a better job at making it more realistic I might be tempted to get it.

The Upside Down House from Stranger Things. I really need to start watching that show. It’s been on my Netflix queue for years but I’e never found the time to watch it.

I’ll close this post out with the Tantive IV. When I first heard about this set I was really tempted to buy it but once I saw how it looked in real life I was really disappointed just because it didn’t all that impressive in real life.

Thanks for checking this post out. Hopefully I can get all my stuff from San Diego Comic Con out of the way soon so I can focus on LA Comic Con which is comin up in a few short weeks.