I’m not going to lie, I didn’t think the Lego at Comic Con 2022 was that impressive. The giant Lego sculptures that they have become known to build and bring out to Comic Con were either reused from past years or just didn’t wow me, and the sets they had on display I had very little interest in. Looking back, I’m thinking maybe I should have just rolled this in with my overall Comic Con coverage, but I’m probably better off doing it this way for SEO purposes as well as having less photos to go through for that post.

Since the Lego booth wasn’t that impressive this will be a pretty short post so enjoy. In case you haven’t figured it out by the header image, this will be somewhat Super Mario heavy since Lego was really pushing that stuff to people.

Since Lego at the time had their 90th anniversary just around the corner, they had this sign set up. I’m a bit surprised they just filled the sign with Lego pieces rather than make the entire thing out of Lego.

Here’s the only Lego sculpture that caught my eye. A giant Darth Vader minifig all ready for summer.

Mario and Luigi sculptures. I like how the shape is reminiscent of how they looked in the OG Super Mario Brothers game for the NES.

While I was in the booth I caught these two dressed as Toad and Toadette and needed to get pics of them.

A sculpture of a Red Yoshi. In Super Mario World Red Yoshis were known to have the ability to spit fireballs and would later be known as Dash Yoshi in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Here’s a set that actually came out long before San Diego Comic Con, it is the Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block. I actually got one when it came out. Hopefully someday I’ll around to putting it together so I can feature it here.

Bower’s Air Ship. I feel this thing should be more detailed. Although I’m thinking Lego probably wanted to keep the cost low since the Super Mario line is marketed towards kids and they want to keep things as affordable as they can.

At the time the Lego Bowser set. At the time this set wasn’t out yet so Lego had it very prominently displayed to get people excited about it.

To further hype up their Bowser set, Lego had this activation set up that consisted of a photo booth and a life-sized version of Bowser. I really wish I was able to go through it but the line was just too long.

And that’s basically it from the Lego booth. Sorry for being so brief but like I said there just wasn’t too much that caught my eye. But don’t worry, I still have a few more posts to get through.