So here I am with part 2 of my cosplays from WonderCon 2018. Looking at this I just realized it might be a while till I can find more content for my travels section. I have some more pictures from So Cal Corgi Beach Day and I think I can squeeze another post out of that but other than that I really don’t have anything else. Hopefully something comes up that will interest me but right now there’s really nothing coming up for me.

This is probably a good thing because I’ll be able to focus on generating content for the rest of this site. I still have plenty of toys to assemble and photograph as well as movies and TV shows to watch and videogames to play. I can also get to work on getting my site finished. It doesn’t look like total crap but it still needs work. I still need to finish all the support pages, as well as put together a new header and also get ad sense setup so I can try to monetize this site and hopefully try to offset the cost of trying to operate this site.

Anyway, back to the cosplays of WonderCon 2018. I don’t know what else to say about them that I didn’t cover in my last post. There were so many topnotch costumes, not to mention all the group shots that were organized on Facebook presented so many photography opportunities. Between these and the fact that WonderCon is in March/April which is right in the middle of that time of the year where I literally have been unable to find conventions to attend makes WonderCon an event that I will need to be attending again in the future.

With all that being said I would like to say, “Enjoy the rest of my pictures of cosplayers from WonderCon 2018.”

Here’s a Tifa from Final Fantasy VII.

Queen Hippolyta from the Wonder Woman movie. This 1 is pretty good. She could almost pass for Connie Nielson.

Here is what I think is the cast of Cats, the Broadway musical.

Here’s a really good Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Old and new Pennywise the Clown.

Shaak Ti, a Togruta Jedi Master. I’m a little curious how heavy the headtail headpiece is.

Not sure what this girl’s outfit is from. I just know it’s big and really elaborate.

Cham Cham the green-haired catgirl from SNK’s Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits.

An Undertaker circa I believe his Return of the Deadman era that took place between 2007-2010. Good touch with the belts but I feel he should have them pinned together and worn around his neck-or was that only during his American Badass phase?

A giant Porg. The giant Porg’s mom gave me her IG handle so I could tag her but unfortunately I didn’t have anything to write down with and I can’t remember it. Sorry giant Porg.

Katara from season 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender when they spend most of the season hiding out in the Fire Nation.

Another Mei from Overwatch. Damn I didn’t realize how popular a costume she is. This just shows how out of touch I am with videogames right now.

Melisandre, Daenerys and Cersei from Game of Thrones. When I asked them for a picture Cersei insisted that I declare her the most beautiful queen. I responded by saying “Yeah… whatever,” and I’m not quite sure if it was Daenerys or Melisandre but 1 of them said “he ain’t going to do that.”

A store-bought Pickle Rick costume from before he becomes a crazy half pickle half rat killing machine.

A couple of Mandalorian Bounty Hunters.

Here’s Joanie Brosas as Dark Rey. I’m surprised she was the only professional cosplayer into who had a booth at WonderCon. It wasn’t even her booth it was a collaboration with some other guys who brought her out there.

He’s a little on the skinny side but this guy’s Venom is really good.

Some more Mandalorian Bounty Hunters along with a Imperial Tie Fighter pilot. Really good work on the rifles. They look just like the 1 Boba Fett used.

Here’s what looks like a Wolverine/X-23 couple cosplay. Even though they’re Wolverine and X-23 they kind of screwed up getting themselves to match. I mean you have Wolverine from the beginning of the movie Logan when he’s working as a limo driver and you have a version of X-23 from the comicbooks.

Here’s a really good Batman. I really like his body armor.

Here’s a family doing a Walking Dead cosplay. I know the guy on the far right is supposed to be Rick but between his facial hair and his comb over he keeps giving me a Simon vibe.

Elektra and Matt Murock from the Netflix Daredevil series.

Another really good Cammy from Street Fighter.

I think this guy is supposed to be a Winged Knight from Dark Souls III. I’m not 100% sure because that was another videogame I never got around to playing. Also I’m a little disappointed in how this picture came out. All the trees outside of the Anaheim Convention Center created a lot of inconsistent lighting outside around this time which made it really frustrating to shoot.

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. His buster sword looks pretty legit.

Here’s a really good Yuffie.

David Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China. When I walked passed this guy some cops were walking passed him at the same time and I overheard 1 of them say how much he loved Big Trouble in Little China and how he had to get a picture with this dude.

With all the people doing reimagined version of Harley Quinn based on how she looked in Suicide Squad it’s nice to see somebody do a version of her that looks closer to her original look from the Batman Animated Series.

Here’s one of my favorite costumes of WonderCon: Decepticon Soundwave.

Here’s professional cosplayer Alicia Marie Body. Her costume is modeled after the one Storm wore when she married T’Challa, the Black Panther. I want to say it was designed by Frank Cho of Liberty Meadows fame but I’m not 100% sure. He did draw the cover from the issue this was featured on although it could also be Scot Eaton or Kaare Andrews who designed the dress since they were the pencillers.

A really good Genji. He’s missing the some of the glowing green elements which I understand can be difficult to build and make work but overall his costume is pretty good.

Roger and Jessica Rabbit from that part in Who Framed Roger Rabbit when they were about to be dropped into a vat of dip. There was a guy with them dressed as Judge Doom who would pretend to pour a vial of dip on them but he walked away when I came over to take a picture.

Yuna from Final Fantasy X.

Link from I think one of the newer Zelda games before he puts on the green pajamas and goes on an adventure.

While walking around I met these chicks dressed as Disney princess fairies. Man, almost all of them had cards that they wanted to give me so I could make sure to tag them on social media. This is probably a good thing cause I could always use the shout outs I get from tagging people on social media. Anyway after doing some sleuthing on social media to make sure I could tag them all I discovered their costumes are actually based on the artwork of another cosplayer and artist who goes by the name Sunset Dragon.

Here’s a really good Mary Poppins.

A female Rocketeer. Even though it didn’t get a sequel, the Rocketeer continued in comicbook form and if I recall correctly in the comics, Cliff ended up breaking up with Jennie and meeting a new girl named Bettie who is not specifically stated to be Bettie Page but is heavily inspired by her. Anway Bettie would on occasion put on the Rocketeer jetpack and outfit along with some fishnets to become a female Rocketeer.

I’m not sure what this girl was from but I thought it was pretty nice.

And I’ll close this out with a photo with another DC Extended Universe Wonder Woman. I really like how she added to her costume by wearing Wonder Woman’s cloak and hood. Another subtle detail that really adds to the costume.

Thanks for checking out part 2 of Cosplays of Wondercon 2018. I feel really bad right now because I’m thinking now it’s going to be a while till I can update my Travels section. I’m also thinking I should rename that section but honestly I’m not sure what would be appropriate for it.

As I stated earlier this is probably a good thing because now I’ll be able to focus my efforts into other aspects of my site and hopefully help it grow to be something bigger and better I just really need to make sure I keep the momentum going.

If you’ve read all the way through this I just want to say thank you for your support and I hope I don’t let you down.