So SoCal Corgi Nation’s 2018 Spring So Cal Corgi Beach Day just happened and honestly I don’t know what to say about it. It’s tempting to just throw all my photos up here but honestly, I took a lot of photos and between the fact that I know that all those are going to create some serious load time issues and also because I know that pictures have very little SEO value I’m going to do what I can to try to tell a story here. I’m also going to apologize right now if this sounds a lot like my write up from last year’s Corgi Beach Day.

I really want a Pembroke Welsh Corgi so events like these always interest me because they give me an opportunity to ask Corgi owners for referrals for trustworthy breeders. Events like these also really interest me because they provide excellent photography practice. When the dogs are sitting still I can practice shooting portraits and when they’re running around like they’re hopped up on meth or something I can practice shooting moving subjects.

This year’s Beach Day was probably the biggest one I’ve been to so far. Everything was just packed with people, the vendors village, the food truck area, the beach. It was all just packed with dogs and people.

Even though this event is called Corgi Beach Day they don’t discriminate. There were a lot of non Corgi breeds presents.

Like these Huskies.

Or this German Shepherd looking fellow.

Some long-haired Dachsunds.

A couple Pomeranians.

This guy looks really happy in his bicycle basket.

And this guy looks really happy in his Hawaiian shirt.

And let’s not forget these guys.

One of the most famous non-corgi dogs I saw was Marnie the dog who I was able to get some photos with.

For some dogs this was a little too much stimulation so many of them were too tired to walk on their own so their owners had to carry them.

This guy was being carried in style.

This guy may be too tired to walk but he still had plenty of energy to derp.

This corgi is Zero and she is one of the more famous corgis who I follow on Instagram and who I was fortunate enough to meet last year at that Corgi art show at Gallery Nucleus.

Some of the Corgis were lucky enough to have some shade to chill in.

Others unfortunately had to settle for sitting on the grass by the food trucks.

This 1 was pretty lucky because she had her own ball pit to chill out in.

Some of the corgis were prepared for photographs and had some pretty elaborate setups with them like @tworgis and @daysiemeetsworld.

Others like Gustaff here preferred to be simple and just have a sign with a hashtag on it.

A lot of people had multiple corgis.

Which in many cases led to something I like to call double derping.

This is probably a good place to take a break. I don’t want to overload anybody with too many photos and honestly I still have a shit ton to go through. Like I said before, I don’t want to be one of those guys who just throws pictures up online without anything behind them, so hopefully I can come up with something to say about them.

Until then, thanks for checking this out.