If anybody is actually following me and have been keeping up with my post here is why I was so late with Long Beach Comic Con 2017 pics. Unlike last year where it mostly just me procrastinating and being unmotivated part of the reason I fucked up this year is because I went to New York for their Comic Con which ate up about a week of my time.

I’ve been trying to go to San Diego Comic Con for a few years now but unfortunately other than the year when I won tickets off of the radio I have pretty much been shit out of luck.

When I heard about New York Comic Con I thought it would be something that would need more looking into and after checking out their website and seeing the high profile guests they were attracting and thinking “Hey, it’s New York it has to be big. What the hell?” and decided to go.

The first and most important part of the preparation was making sure I got tickets for the Con. Like San Diego New York required pre-registration and a lottery for tickets and at first I thought that like San Diego this lottery would be the road block that would keep me from going but it wasn’t. With San Diego I would be patiently sitting at my computer for two hours before the words “Comic-Con badges have sold out. We thank you all for your patronage and support!” flash across my screen filling me with a mixture of sadness and anger but with New York I was only by my computer for maybe 15 minutes before I got through and was able to buy tickets.

Now since I was able to get in so early I had the option to buy tickets for all four days which would make a lot of sense since I really need the content for my site but honestly since this was my first time going and because I don’t have a girlfriend or any friends to bring me with me I would be bringing my parents instead and knowing that they don’t want to spend an entire vacation at a comic convention I decided to just buy tickets for Friday and Saturday, days which given past experiences are usually the best times to go to conventions.

After going to New York Comic Con I now know why San Diego insists on limiting ticket sales. It was a fucking mad house given how many people showed up. If you’ve ever been to San Diego Comic Con picture that times 10.

One thing that bummed me out was that most of the really big toy companies weren’t making an appearance. I figured like San Diego companies like Hasbro, Lego, and Mattel would be over there in full force but they weren’t even there and I think it was because it was this lack of big-name toy companies that led to a lack of cool toy exclusives. I mean there were some exclusives but it was mostly just collectible comics and artwork and the few toy exclusive that were around I wasn’t really that into. From what I saw on Facebook somebody was doing Transformer toy announcements but it wasn’t Hasbro itself.

Another thing that I was a bit surprised was the programming. There weren’t that many programs going on but this I think I would attribute to the lack of space. There were a few programs but in most cases you would have to walk like three blocks to Madison Square Garden or to the Hammerstein Ballroom or even way down to the New York Public Library to attend them. Also, unlike San Diego Comic Con most of the programs weren’t centered around TV shows or movies. There was supposed to be a panel on the upcoming Punisher Netflix series but this unfortunately was canceled due to the recent shooting in Las Vegas. Seth Green was there doing stuff for Adult Swim and Robot Chicken and Kevin Smith was also on site with IMDB Live doing discussions on a variety of TV shows and movies. There was also a Walking Dead panel and a Q&A with Michael Rooker but that was pretty much it.

All in all New York Comic Con was a good experience. Unfortunately, given the logistics and costs of attending I don’t think I can see myself going every year unless my site suddenly blows up or I can find somebody to sponsor me going (if anybody reading this is willing to send me to New York for next year’s con I won’t mind).

Given the amount of pictures I took at New York Comic Con it would probably be best if I pieced out the pictures in multiple posts so here’s the first set of pics.

When I first entered the Javits Convention Center this immediately grabbed my eye.

Here are some other banners that were on display in the lobby.

This slogan on the SyFy banner was pretty clever. I know it’s basically just there to promote SyFywire but it’s kind of inspiring and helps promote a friendly atmosphere.

Speaking of SyFy I learned they were a pretty big sponsor of the convention since they had their own fan lounge setup by the media center. Although the fan lounge was just a place where they were passing out free t-shirts and had old arcade games from the ’80s set up for people to play.

Like I said earlier New York Comic Con is a freaking mad house. I mean look at all the people.

I mean seriously look at all these people. It was so hard to get anywhere with the crowds this thick.

Here’s the Square Enix booth which reminded me of E3. It was just demos setup of some of their games like the Secret of Mana remake, Life is Strange, and the Final Fantasy XV expansion.

Bluefin, a Japanese distributor who specializes in collectible statues and toys was on site in full force with several vendors whose products they deal in.

Here’s some of the stuff from one of their vendors Sideshow Collectibles.


Captain Phasma.

These He-Man and Masters of the Universe figures are really cool. I really like that Orkos.

Gal Gadot Wonder Woman.


Venom. Sorry for the reflections. I had so much trouble getting a clear shot with the way the lighting was.

Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman from Earth-65


Cindy Moon AKA Silk.

Red Sonja.

Rocket and Yondu. Notice the little Baby Groot in the Ravager jumpsuit on Rocket’s pedestal.

Ghost Rider.

Here is most of the group from the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok film.

Sideshow Collectibles was having a contest to give away this Voltron statue. I really regret not entering since I think all you had to do was post of picture of this thing on Instagram.

Here’s a cool setup from another Bluefin company called Iron Studios. Featuring Spider-Man and Spider-Woman against Venom and Carnage.

Given that Pacific Rim: Uprising is coming out next year Tamashii Nations/Bandai, another Bluefin company had these pretty impressive Pacific Rim figures out on display. They should probably think up some new poses for Gipsy Avenger. It’s pretty repetitive seeing the same figure in 3 different scales but all in the same pose.

Tamashii Nations/Bandai also had a thing for their Meisho Movie Realizations figures.

I really like this Sohei Darth Maul. I can’t wait for it to come out.

They also had a wide assortment of Dragonball Z figurines.

This Millennium Falcon was one of their prized pieces. According to the description if I remember correctly it’s made up of only 32 pieces.

Here’s some of the Gundam models the had on display.

Here’s some of the stuff from PCS Collectibles, another Bluefin company. They have a really impressive collection of figures based on Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.



A somewhat racist looking Dahlsim. Although I guess this is how he looks now in current games. Maybe I’m just so used to the ones of him without the turban and beard.

And here’s Akuma.

Here’s the Mortal Kombat stuff.

Here’s Kotal Kahn. Once again sorry for the glare.


Quan Chi.

Here’s a really good Green Ranger on the drill tail of the Dragonzord. The sword of darkness was a good touch. Although it probably would have been better if they used the Dragon Dagger instead.

Chevy was there along with a couple-wrapped cars.

Here’s the Wonder Woman Corvette they had which was getting a ton of attention.

And a Flash-themed Bolt. I overheard one guy ask why Flash is the Bolt and not the Corvette since the Vette is supposed to be faster and I told him, “It’s probably because the Bolt is an EV.”

Here’s the Marvel area. They had a stage setup for various things. At the time I took this photo I’m not sure what was going on or even if this was an official Marvel thing or if a bunch of guys just took over their stage. I do know they eventually used it to bring out the Weeknd who was promoting his new Star Boy comic. That was a chaotic event.

They had a fullsize model of Lockjaw setup to help promote the new Inhumans series.

They along with Hulu were also heavily promoting the upcoming Runaways series.

They also had videogame stations setup for people to play Contest of Champions.

And Marvel Super Heroes 2 which unfortunately has nothing to do with the old-school Capcom fighting game from the ’90s.

Here’s the Star Wars Last Jedi booth. Originally I wasn’t planning on taking a detailed look at this but one of my coworker asked me to check it out for her and bring her back photos of some of the props and costumes they had on display.

Here’s a First Order Tie Fighter Pilot.

I saw this dude dressed as old Obi Wan walking around the exhibit. Another person asked him if he could do some poses for her and I decided to get in on that.

I saw this dude dressed as Princess Leia so inspired by Obi Wan I asked him to do a pose for me.

Here’s a First Order Blaster.

Here’s the Resistance Cruiser Bridge Guard Blaster which looks so ghetto compared to the First Order blaster rifle.

Kylo Ren’s Tie Fighter.

Here’s a Resistance Bomber.

Here is according the description card, Finn’s gun, backpack and a pair of quadnoculars.

And finally here is Poe Dameron’s flight suit. I’m really curious if this was screen used.

I’m not sure if these people are with any company or if they just really felt like doing this.

I met Yaya Han. I’m not sure if she was one of the only professional cosplayer attendees with a booth or if I just wasn’t looking hard enough for them. I do know she was there pushing some of her stuff like cosplay fabrics.

Like I said earlier Kevin Smith was there. He was on the Twitch Stage taking part in a panel with IMDB Live. This was a bit crazy and honestly I’m surprised they didn’t’ have the Twitch Stage in a more open area. I tried to get a picture of him but unfortunately I couldn’t get a clear shot of him so I had to settle for a picture of him on the monitor.

Here he is during his Q&A with Joe Quesada.

I saw Spawn creator Todd Macfarlane. I feel a bit sad he was the only comic book writer/artist I actually recognized.

Here is the Mega Construx booth. I’m surprised these guys were able to get the licensing for Pokemon and I’m wondering why Lego wasn’t able to do this years ago. Although after a little research I found out that Mega Construx is owned by Mattel so that’s probably why they were able to get the licensing for Pokemon. At first I thought they were a ripoff of Legos but they’re Mega Construx are actually more like K’Nex since they use beams in their kits.

Their mini Pokemon sets are pretty neat.

These fullsized Pokemon builds they had on display were pretty pretty cool-looking.

Here’s Pikachu.



And last but not least is Bulbasaur.

This seems like a good place to stop. I still have like 280 photos of cosplayers and costumes to go through so expect to see another 2 or 3 posts on New York Comic Con coming soon.