If there’s one vendor that really stood out at LA Comic Con 2021 it was Sideshow Collectibles—they were pretty hard to miss considering they had a giant booth setup right by the front door of the exhibition hall. Sideshow Collectibles has been a staple at most of the major cons I’ve been to, and while the activation they had at LA Comic Con wasn’t as big as what I saw them bring to San Diego Comic Con 2019, it was still one of the biggest activations I’ve seen from just a single vendor.

I was a bit surprised at the size of their setup, if you read my overall post about LA Comic Con you would heard me go on about how I felt LA Comic Con ’21 wasn’t that because of 2 major factors: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which discouraged not just attendees but also vendors from showing but also the fact that Emerald city Comic Con was going on at the same time which forced those who were willing to go to a ‘con to decide which one they wanted to go.

I feel Sideshow Collectibles was at LA Comic Con out of convenience, I mean if you look up Sideshow Collectibles you’ll see that they’re based out of the Newbury Business Park in Thousand Oaks which is about 40 miles away from LA. Although considering how big some of the activations I’ve seen Sideshow do in the past I won’t be surprised if they just decided to scale back a bit so they could be at both conventions, although this theory is a bit questionable because they had a really huge setup at LA Comic Con.

I’m really glad that Sideshow had such a big activation because it’s giving me a chance to follow through with content strategy I developed going to San Diego Comic Con which was to find ways to segment my convention coverage into smaller posts which I’ve been doing for 3 main reasons.

  1. It gave me a logical way of breaking my coverage up into smaller and more easily digestible bits rather than just going with Part 1, Part 2, etc….
  2. SEO purposes. Segmenting my content by specific themes should help me rank for keywords relating to those themes.
  3. If I hope to impress and create professional relationships with vendors, creating dedicated posts to them is a lot more impressive than just rolling them in with my overall coverage posts.

Anyway with all that being out of the way, please enjoy all the cool stuff that Sideshow Collectibles brought with them to LA Comic Con.

If you’re around my age here’s a blast from the past, it’s the original six Mighty Morphin Power Rangers or as Sideshow Collectibles is calling this, the “Core Rangers + Green Ranger Six Pack.” If you think they don’t look like statues it’s because they aren’t. According to Sideshow’s website they’re fully articulated and dressed in hand tailored cloth costumes so they’re pretty much dolls, although with a $500 price tag I don’t think you would want to give them to kids to play with. Seeing these things it really reminds me how I’ve been seeing a huge resurgence in focus on Power Rangers stuff lately, more specifically the ’90s/early 2000s series. While some people may look at that stuff and be filled with all these happy and warm nostalgic feelings, I don’t, even though I was really into Power Rangers as a kid. Instead, I look at all this old Power Ranger stuff and it just really reminds me of a super cringey episode of True Life called, “I’m a Fanboy” and 1 of the guys they featured was like 25 and still super into Power Rangers in a very unhealthy way.

Some die-cast replicas of the Pokeball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball.

A Rick and Morty statue. I wonder why Sideshow made Morty with the mindblowers helmet but didn’t give Rick the mindblowers memory erasing gun. I guess since the portal gun is more iconic they decided to go with that instead, but if that’s the case why did the put the helmet on Morty?

Spider-Man and Mary Jane. Comic fans will notice that this statue is modeled after a variant cover for The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 which was done by J. Scott Campbell.

Venom fighting Spider-Man.

Scarlet Spider, the Advance Suit Spider-Man from the recent Spider-Man videogame, and Spirit Spider Suit which is a Spider-Man from an alternate universe where he got the powers of Ghost Rider and became the Spirit of Vengeance.

Modernized versions of the Scorpion and Rhino from the recent Spider-Man game.

Sideshow calls this piece “Symbiote Spider-Man.” I remember this is based on either a cover or a panel from a Spider-Man comic but I can’t remember what issue it was.

Taskmaster as he looked in the comics with his Captain America shield and Hawkeye recurve bow.

Here is Bounty Hunter: Galactic Gun for Hire. At first I thought this was from either Overwatch or maybe Mass Effect, but it turns out it’s an original character.

Here’s Cinderella, another piece inspired by J. Scott Campbell’s work.

Venompool, which I remember seeing back at San Diego Comic Con 2019.

Some Transformers as they looked in the BumbleBee prequel/spinoff/reboot.

Close up of Soundwave with Ravage. I kind of wish they made his gun more cartoon accurate.

Mandalorian and Grogu. I really like how they made Grogu’s basket look like it’s levitating without a support underneath it.

The Rancor from Return of the Jedi.

Darth Maul from Sideshow’s Mythos collection. This thing looks pretty badass. Note the taller horns and cyborg legs, tell-tale signs that this is supposed to be Darth Maul post Phantom Menace.

Asajj Ventress also from the Mythos collection.

A Deadpool statue.

Another Mandalorian and Grogu. This one I’m not digging just because the plastic support is really distracting.

Some Clone Troopers along with a Shoretrooper.

Scout Trooper with his speederbike. Shouldn’t the bike be browner?

A Death Watch Mandalorian, the Armorer, and IG-11.

G1 Megatron, or almost G1. I’m really curious what those things on his back are supposed to be.

A PCS Collectibles Grimlock. I really like how they cel-shaded it to look like it stepped right out of the ’80s cartoon. Also note the flamethrower nozzle in the mouth.

A PCS Collectibles Optimus Prime cel-shaded in the same style Grimlock was done in.

Blitzwing as he looked from the BumbleBee movie. Looking at this guy I wonder why they named him Blitzwing since past incarnations of Blitzwing depicted him as a triple-changer who could transform into a jet and tank. Considering how they had like 5 other jets aside from Starscream they could have given him another name.

The Marvelous Stan Lee, a more cartoonish interpretation of Stan.

Stan Lee Deluxe which is a more realistic depiction of Stan.

Spider-Man 2099. At first I thought this thing is pretty inaccurate because it’s missing the spiderweb cape but I looked it up and I guess more recent appearances of Spider-Man 2099 have him without the cape.

Dark Sorceress: Guardian of the Void, another original character from Sideshow.

Hal Jordan Green Lantern standing on what looks like a gun construct thing.

Poison Ivy.

Iron Man in his Mark LXXXV armor which was the armor used in Avengers: Endgame. For those who don’t know their Roman Numerals LXXXV is 85.

Neon Tech War Machine which looks like it came from Tron.

Mysterio’s illusion creating drones from Spider-Man: Far From Home.

War Machine Punisher? Punisher War Machine? Whatever you want to call it, this statue is inspired from a Punisher storyline from a few years back which saw Frank Castle steal the War Machine armor and use it in his war against crime. Note the skulls on the chest and thigh plates, which are supposed to be kill tallies. Although if they were real and accurate I’m sure this thing would be covered in tiny little skulls.

Miles Morales Spider-Man.

Spider-Man in his Anti-Ock suit. This is another costume from a recent storyline.

Spider-Man in his Negative Suit, a costume that Spider-Man acquired while traveling into the Negative Zone.

Black Widow. The rifle looks to be a mismatch of various weapons with most of its inspirations coming from the AR platform and the Barrett M82.

Captain Marvel with his helmet/mask combo on.

And finally we have Silver Surfer looking very much like Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.

That’s it from Sideshow Collectibles. Don’t forget to check back for more later. I still have the cosplayers of LA Comic Con 2021 to put up as well as my coverage from Wondercon and a few other things I’ve been working on.