Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been trying to finish my next post, it’s hard trying to run this site on my own while working a full time at a job that on a good day is 40 minutes away. Things have been especially hectic with San Diego Comic Con this week and me trying to win tickets from a local radio station.

I was planning on doing another art post next but that’s been taking a bit longer than I thought it would. Luckily for me I found this video, which I thought, was pretty funny and would make great filler on here.

Here’s the setup: Pretend you’re an employee at Argonics, Kryptane Systems and Public Works Products in Colorado and you’ve come in to work one day and find the glass doors out front broken. Instantly you think you’ve been robbed so you start looking the office over for things that are missing but for some strange reason everything is still there. If it’s not a robbery you think it’s either a wino who had too much to drink or some shithead kids being assholes so you go over the security tape to show the police and that’s when you see it: Instead of a wino or some shithead kids being assholes it’s a goat being an asshole.

In the video this goat is headbutting the hell out of a glass door till it breaks. The goat freaks out and runs away, but once it realizes it’s in clear it comes back headbutts the hell out of the other door.

I wasn’t exaggerating about this goat being an asshole. I mean one door you figure it’s an animal being an animal but both doors is just a dick move.

Don’t believe me of what an asshole this goat is? Just check out the video for yourself and if Fox ever brings back When Animals Attack you can say you saw this one already.