Looking at my blog I just realized that art exhibitions have become a way larger part than I originally planned. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, I just never thought I’d be hitting up so many art exhibitions.

As I stated in previous posts and in my about me section when I originally came up with this site it was supposed to be an outlet where I could practice and show off my content generating skills as well as share my insight on things. Originally when I thought up what I would be generating content on I thought a huge chunk of it would be coming from my trips to conventions as well as toys that I’ve been collecting in recent years.

Looking back at what I’ve managed to generate so far I’ve realized that my original plan for this site just isn’t feasible. Conventions that interest me are far and few in between. Also, I’ve realized that the majority of toys I’ve been collecting are either Lego sets or Transformers which while they do interest me I feel using too many of them will make my site too niche. Don’t get me wrong there are so many sites out there dedicated to just Legos or just Transformers or solely on just one other type of toy but I don’t think my interest in Legos and Transformers is niche enough to focus solely on those 2 genres of toys. Also, toys can be really expensive and can they take up a lot of room. Right now I’ve spent way more money than I should have on toys which have pretty much taken over the entirety of my parents living room.

I’m hoping that if I continue investing time and working on my site that I can grow it to the point where I can make some connections and open up some opportunities. Right now I’m hoping to work out a side job/partnership deal with the dude I buy most of my Transformer toys from. If this deal works out not only will it help me get access to more toys without burning too much of a hole in my pocket but it will also give me access to a wider variety of toys and media that I could feature on the site.

Hopefully further down the line I’ll be able to grow my site to a point where other companies will notice me and will be coming up to me to work out a deal instead of the other way around. I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to reach to a point where I’ll become an accredited media site which should also hopefully open up more opportunities.

Anyway, since I’ve realized how unfeasible it is to execute my original vision for my site I see now what a godsend art exhibitions are for me. They’re great filler for when I need something to change things up on my site and also from an SEO stand point they add some variation to my site without causing me to deviate too much from my original vision.

With art being such a great part of my site I’ve been on a huge drive to find more shows and exhibitions that I could feature. Facebook has been such a great help not only with finding shows and exhibitions to go to but also turning me on to galleries and artists I should follow and keep an eye on.

So far I’ve found plenty of art shows to go to but unfortunately finding ones that I am interested in and are at a convenient time and in a convenient place are a different story.

I remember a couple weeks ago I heard about an Akira-themed art show that would have have been great for my site. Unfortunately, the gallery was located in downtown LA and the opening exhibition was on a Friday evening. Between having a day job that was already 40 miles in the opposite direction and the fact that I would need to brave LA traffic during rush hour made me reluctant to go.

I still need art for the site and lucky for me Gallery Nucleus has come through again with another exhibition that was going on at a much more convenient time, this one titled DREAM DESTINATIONS: A Disney Travel Poster Exhibition!

A collaboration between Gallery Nucleus and Cyclops Print Works, DREAM DESTINATIONS: A Disney Travel Poster Exhibition! Featured35 pieces done in the style of travel posters and postcards and inspired by locales from various Disney properties.

Looking at the artwork and recognizing the names I’m starting to see that Gallery Nucleus has a lot of repeat artists for most of their shows. I’m wondering if these guys are contacted by Gallery Nucleus and asked to contribute art or are they just big fans of Gallery Nucleus and just like contributing whenever they come up with ideas for shows.

I’ll admit I wasn’t all that into this exhibition. It wasn’t terrible, I just couldn’t see myself getting into the art. The theme of the show was a cool and original idea but I don’t know, it just didn’t appeal to me as much as I thought it would. Maybe in the future if Gallery Nucleus did another vacation poster-themed show and used like videogame fantasy worlds as the theme I might get more into that.

Hopefully my SEO skills are up to par and Gallery Nucleus can find this an I’m hoping that they were willing to read this far and see my suggestion. (Honestly it might work, I mean most videogames have a lot of cool level designs that would look great on a poster).

Anyway thanks for reading past my rant and getting to this point or at least scrolling down. Hopefully you had Ad Block off so I at least made a few cents off of your visit. But here’s what you came looking for, the artwork.

Enjoy! To make it easier to look at I grouped the pieces by which Disney property they’re based off of.

101 Dalmatians

Visit Sunny London by Jennifer Ely

Tour of London by Chie Boyd


A Whole New World by Michelle Lin

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland by Joey Chou

Lose Yourself in Tulgey Wood by Steph Laberis

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Travel to Atlantis by Mira Ko

Explore Atlantis by Zoer Persico

I’m a bit surprised people made art based on Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Considering what a flop this movie turned out to be I feel it’s one of the movies that Disney would prefer to forget they made. Other than the direct-to-DVD sequel I haven’t seen Disney try to expand or merchandise it further.

Beauty and the Beast

By Our Guest by Emily Tetri

With Beauty and the Beast being one of Disney’s more successful properties I’m surprised there wasn’t more Beauty and the Beast artwork, but I guess there wasn’t enough inspiration to make more work that fit the theme of the show.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Isle of Naboombu by Ellen Surrey

Fun fact: Bedknobs and Broomsticks starred Murder She Wrote’s Angela Lansbury

Big Hero 6

San Fransokyo by Kat Tsai

Visit Sanfransokyo by Jason Mclean

Emperor’s New Groove

Kuzko’s Palace by Matt Doering

Kronk Express by Matt Doering

Visit Scenic Peru by Lily Nishita


The Bald Mountain by Camille Andre


The North Mountain by Eva Vilhelmlina Eskelinen

Frozen is another property I’m surprised there wasn’t more artwork on because that was such a giant success for Disney.

Gravity Falls

Visit Gravity Falls! By Mirelle Ortega


Mount Olympus by Alexandria Neonakis

Experience Mount Olympus by Jasmin Lai

Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Bell Tower by Allison Bamcat

The Jungle Book

India: The Jungle Book by Jennifer Ely

King Louie’s Temple by Jestenia Southerland

Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp by Benjamin Burch

Tony’s Ristorante by Yang Yang Mao

Lilo & Stitch

Lahui Beach Alien Tours by Yang Yang Mao

Lilo & Stitch by Xinwei Huang

Restore Your Heart on Motunui by Tara Nicole Whitaker

Little Mermaid

Unfortunate Souls by Janice Chu


Imperial City by Kevin Hong

Peter Pan

Peter Pan by Bill Robinson


Pocahontas by Emily Paik

The Princess and the Frog

New Orleans by Oliver T Akuin

Robin Hood

OO-DE-LALLY by Vince Aparo

Robin Hood by Adam Johnson

Sleeping Beauty

A Far Away land by Saera Hwang

Aurora’s Castle by Dan Matutina

Sword in the Stone

Sword in the Stone by Adam Johnson


Visit Corona by Anoosha Syed

The Three Caballeros

Three Cabelleros by Stephanie Ramirez

Treasure Planet

Visit Crescential by Sara Kipin

Winnie the Pooh

The 100 Aker Wood by Caitlin Solliman

Wreck-It Ralph

Sugar Rush by Elsa Chang


Where Anyone Can Be Anything by Betsy Bauer

Zootopia by Dave Perillo