It’s been 6 months since part 2 of my cosplayers of San Diego Comic Con. In my last post from San Diego Comic Con I did mention how overwhelmed I was with everything that was going on but honestly that was only half the reason I was so late on things, the other half was just poor discipline on my end. I was overwhelmed but I should have found the time to get things done.

Aside from the spikes in traffic, being more timely would have made it easier for me to write this whole thing out. When I was going through this set of photos to do the write up I started kicking myself because I knew there was so much more I could have said about some of the people in my photos but I just couldn’t remember the extra details.

I do want to say once again that San Diego Comic Con really brought out some awesome cosplayers. A lot of originality and a lot of high-quality costumes. If I want my blog to really stand out then that is the kind of stuff I need to look for. It took me a while to realize this but in order to take good photos you two things: you have to have the skill and knowledge to be able to take good photos and you need a great subject.

With that being said I do want to say that if I’m able to take good photos then I should really try marketing myself more as a photographer. After looking over social media I saw that a lot of cosplayers out there need photographers, and if I can get on their radar and pick up some work from them which would not only make for some great content on my site but would hopefully lead to more opportunities down the line.

If I’m going to put myself out there as a photographer then I really need to up my game on getting stuff out quicker so I’ll have a better chance of getting noticed.

Until then please enjoy the rest of my pictures of cosplayers from San Diego Comic Con 2019. It’s late but at least it’s up.

Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck-It Ralph. I really like how she made sure to include the pieces of candy in her hair. It’s a subtle detail but it’s something that really shows she put effort into accurately recreating the look.

Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite wearing the Lady Comstock dress. Notice how she also made sure to include Elizabeth’s choker and brooch into her  cosplay.

The Night King from Game of Thrones wearing a Hawaiian shirt and throwing up a Shaka. I’m guessing this is supposed to be a representation for “Summer is here” a twist on the “Winter is coming” tagline from GoT.

A Deadpool and a Judge. The Judge’s outfit is based on the look of Judges from the 2012 Dredd movie rather than the 1995 movie, which honestly is more realistic when you compare the two. 2012’s Dredd has the Judges wearing these tactical vest/jacket combos while 1995’s Judge Dredd while more faithful to the comicbook is more impractical with the big golden ornate shoulder pads worn over a black bodysuit. I do like how the has a custom badge with his name on it rather than just making one that says “Dredd” on it. I regret taking this photo because it reminds me when I first started attending conventions and I would just take pictures of anything and everything rather than focus on looking for either high-quality or unique costumes, or people who had interesting twists and themes with their cosplays. No offense to these guys, they both had good quality costumes, it’s just that I feel that having them in the same photo when there’s no connection between them just makes me look so amateurish.

A Sailor Scout from Sailormoon. As far as I know none of the characters in Sailormoon wear a black bow so I believe this is just an original cosplay

This is a former coworker of mine named Nhan and his friends dressed up as members of the Marvel/Shazam Family. I just realized with Shazam! coming out last year there weren’t that many people running around San Diego with Shazam-themed cosplays, a big surprise especially when you compare it to the year when Suicide Squad came out and once images of Margot Robbie were out you had so many Harley Quinns everywhere.

Uka Uka and Aku Aku the voodoo mask spirits from the Crash Bandicoot series.

Hellboy and Princess Nuala from Hellboy II: the Golden Army. Really good job with the horn stumps and the Hellboy’s Hand of Doom. Also really good touch on Princess Nuala with the yellow contact lenses.

The MCU version of Mysterio from Spiderman: Far From Home. I kind of wish she had the fish bowl helmet but I guess she doesn’t really need it considering how it wasn’t that prevalent in the movie.

The Joker, Nurse Harley Quinn and Two-Face from Batman’s rogues gallery. The Joker and Harley seem to be based on how they looked in the Batman: Arkham Asylum game while Two-Face’s looks appears to be based on how he looked in the ’90s Bruce Timm/Paul Dini Batman: The Animated Series

@kal_smith17 as Ed from Good Burger. I’ve seen this guy around at a lot of Southern California conventions lately and he’s always a big hit wherever I see him. It’s too bad Kel Mithchell doesn’t have any other iconic characters for him to do. It would be neat if he found Fredro Starr impersonator and they could go cosplaying as the hosts of Dance 360, although I doubt anybody would ever get it.

A variation of the Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh! I never read the Manga but I did watch the cartoon as well as played the card game a little. If I remember correctly there are at least 4 variations of the Dark Magician card with this guy’s costume based on one of the lesser-seen ones. The cards are all pretty much the same with all the same stats and description, the only difference is the artwork.

Power Girl. I forgot this woman’s name and Instagram handle but I know I’ve seen her walking around some of the other Southern California cons. I was really surprised with San Diego Comic Con as big as it is and as hard as it is to get into that I’d run into her.

Boba Fett and a couple of Stormtroopers.

The comicbook version of Red Sonja with the chainmail bikini. The fur cape and fur-lined boots are a good touch along with the big-ass battle axe.

Snake Plissken as he looked in 1996’s Escape from LA with the giant oversized timer on his wrist which counts down when the Plutoxin 7 virus will kill him. SPOILER ALERT!!! At the end it turns out that the Plutoxin 7 virus isn’t lethal.

A Catwoman whose look I believe is based on the Batman: Arkham series incarnation.

Bane from Dark Knight and Joker in his nurse disguise from The Dark Knight.

Carol Danvers in a USAF flight suit.

I remember when I first went to Comic Con I met this guy standing by a pillar playing Silent Bob. I thought he was really dedicated to his character by staying in the same place for most of the day. 4 years later I see this guy in the same costume in the very same place.

Two versions of Wolverine. You have Wolverine in his black costume from when he was a member of X-Force and a Wolverine as a civilian with his cowboy hat.

Rogue and Gambit as they looked in the 1990s X-Men cartoon.

Dengo the murderous Robot Kingdom janitor and Isabelle the Izabel the ghost babysitter from Saga.

This was one of my favorite getups. It’s a father and son setup as Rumble and Grimlock from the OG Transformers cartoon.

The Rumble was really on point. He got the face perfectly and also nailed the backpack guns. The only thing that would have made it more awesome was if he found a way to incorporate the piledriver arms into his costume.

I’ve mentioned in the past how much respect I have for people willing to go to conventions wearing stilts which is why I thought this Grimlock costume was extra awesome. I like how he included the Dinobot Crown of Leadership a nod to Grimlock’s phrase, “Me Grimlock King!”

A genderswapped Super Saiyan Goku from Dragonball Z.

Considering how ThunderCats was one of the biggest cartoons to come out of the ’80s I thought this twist on Cheetara was pretty clever. The denim punk rock vest, the leggings, and the giant frizzled hair, it’s all just a really great representation of the ’80s.

Miles Morales Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy Spider-Gwen from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

Goro from Mortal Kombat. I really like how he wired the arms together so he can get them all to. Probably a necessity since having them hang limp would look lame while have them stick out would cause a lot of movement problems for him.

A twisted version of Batman? I remember I found this guy’s Instagram once and it said exactly what he was but I can’t remember what exactly it said and I am really pissed at myself for forgetting. Anyway the lights, the custom armor pieces it’s all really good which made him a really popular cosplayer.

He looks fierce doesn’t he.

Ace and Gary, the Ambiguously Gay Duo from the Dana Carvey Show and Saturday TV Funhouse on SNL. Not to sound gay for noticing this but the crotch bulges was pretty clever.

Here’s Evelyn Thomas as Mystique from X-Men: First Class. Really good job on this one since it’s basically two costumes in one: Mystique and a soldier. Evelyn is one half of the cosplaying MagnetoMystique on Instagram.

Using sequins to show her mid-transformation was a good touch.

I remember seeing something like this done before on a Kotaku post about New York Comic Con cosplayers. However the person who did it at NYCC didn’t incorporate as much Mystique into her cosplay.

Here’s Evelyn’s partner Anna Martin being the Magneto to her Mystique. Using fishing wire to give the illusion her helmet is floating was pretty clever.

A Felicia Hardy Black Cat from Spider-Man.

The Disney incarnation of the Evil Queen/Witch from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (The English degree on my wall is making me wonder if it’s “Seven Dwarfs” or “Seven Dwarves”.

Here’s a great way to bring your elderly grandmother into Comic Con even if she’s unfortunately confined to a wheelchair. Have her be Olenna Tyrell while you be Daenerys and Jon Snow.

Michael Meyers, a simple yet effective cosplay. All you need to pull it off is a William Shatner mask painted white, blue coveralls, and a butcher knife.

Here’a a girl’s take on Flareon.

Moana, Disney’s first Polynesian princess.

A Tank Girl x Disney’s Tinkerbell mashup.

2 Quailmen from Doug.

Alice Liddell from American McGee’s Alice video game series. Those games were actually pretty popular and successful. I’m surprised they only made one sequel. I know they rereleased the game for PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011 to coincide with the release of the sequel but I am really surprised they don’t do another one or at least an HD remake.

RIP Stan Lee.

Midna from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Wilson Fisk aka the Kingpin. The accessories are a good touch, the cane, the cigar, and Daredevil mask, however I think the best accessory is the boutineer. It’s a small detail which depending on how Kingpin is drawn you don’t see it on him all the time but I do think it’s a good touch considering how in the comics his son Richard Fisk uses “The Rose” and “The Blood Rose” as his aliases.

Comicbook version of Domino. I believe this version of Domino is from X-Force volume 3.

Two Black Widows and a Scarlet Witch. It was somewhat appropriate I ran into these three in Marvel’s booth.

A kid-sized Predator. Good job nailing all the details such as the armor, the helmet, Predator dreadlocks, and bone necklace.

Ashe from Overwatch. She really nailed the look and the rifle.

Closing this post out with a Ahshoka Tano from Star Wars. I can’t wait to see how Rosario Dawson pulls her off in season 2 of Mandalorian.

I have 2 more posts worth of photos left from San Diego Con which hopefully I can get up within the next week. Wish me luck on it.